Friday, 24 May 2013

A students view of a weekly meeting - Thank you Lorenzo!

Good morning everybody! Finally it’s Friday and as The Cure singing “Friday I’m in love”, the weekend is knocking at the door. But now I just want you to know what an amazing Thursday afternoon was yesterday.
Another students social meeting organized by TTPL, this time at BOWLING!!!
The windy weather is perfect for a bowling competition and a lot of excited students can’t wait for challenge each other.
People come together and in a few minutes all the tracks come to life.
A hundred people from all around the world yelling, clapping and cheering turns the bowling into a big do! And here I am! Fighting for the second position because the first one is already assigned to Alvaro, a 19 years old Spanish guy, who is a little champion in bowling.
Meanwhile the German group seems to be a kind of professional bowling team, because they don’t miss a shot and our scoreboard is embarrassing  compared to theirs. The atmosphere still grows, someone takes a beer to relax, someone else jokes and annoys the friend who is ready to throw the bowl.                                                      
When the game is over, some guys leave the bowling to enjoy the sunny day, others stay for a pool match!
At the end, I've got a 3rd position, beaten by an Italian girl at last shot!
What a great afternoon.
Work Placement Student from Italy  

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