Hi, my name is Luca
Fenoglio, I’m the new student ambassador and with this short blog I would like
to tell you something about my new life in Torquay.
This is my first work
experience in a foreign country, I’m 19 years old, and before arriving here I
was a little nervous but determined at
the same time.
The first day that I arrived
in Bristol the weather was very bad! I Though “this will be a very strange
summer”; fortunately when I arrived in Torquay the sun was shining.
Since the first moment that I
met my host family, I felt like to be at home! They are very nice and polite.

Now I feel comfortable; every
day when I work I’m astonished by the surrounding nature that cover Cockington
Court, It’s absolutely amazing!
During this experience I met a
lot of people from different European countries, I’m having a great time with
them! TTPL with all the meetings helps students to make new friendship; it’s a
good opportunity to meet people with different culture.
Unfortunately this is my
eighth weeks here in torquay, most of my time has already gone. I want to enjoy
my last four weeks, because for me this is an opportunity that will not be repeated very often in my life!
When you are in the right
place, you know what do you want and you are happy, TIME FLIES.
Here, I’m spending one of the
most exciting parts of my life. Is it probably the right place for me? I don’t
know, but I’m completely sure that living in South Devon it’s great opportunity
for learning English and for finding a job.
Luca Fenoglio
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